Supportive Housing
My Sisters’ Place provides Supportive Housing for low-income individuals and families who were formerly homeless and unable to hold their own lease. Through our apartment sites including Mary Seymour Place, Sue Ann Shay Place, and the Beaumont Lofts as well as scattered site apartments, we provide affordable housing and support services for those who meet one or more of the following criteria: low income, living with a mental illness, and/or are currently homeless.
The Mary Seymour Place apartments, located in Hartford’s North End, are for single men and women and feature 30 one-bedroom units.
The Sue Ann Shay Place apartments, located in the Clay Arsenal neighborhood of Hartford, are for families and single people, and consist of 34 one, two and three-bedroom apartments.
The Beaumont Lofts, our newest affordable housing complex, is also located in the Clay Arsenal neighborhood of Hartford and consists of 24 one, two and three-bedroom units for families and individuals.
At all three facilities, tenants hold their own leases and voluntary case management and referral/advocacy programs are available on-site.
In addition, My Sisters’ Place provides services to men and women with psychiatric disabilities in their own apartments throughout the Hartford area. These supportive services are designed to help these clients gain and maintain self-sufficiency.
Youth Program
My Sisters’ Place offers a comprehensive array of services to the children and youth residing in our permanent supportive housing. All program services are designed to ensure that these children and youth are progressing in key areas such as reading and math, building the key developmental assets and social-emotional strengths they need to succeed in school and receiving the supports and resources necessary to address any mental health challenges.

Employment & Lifeskills Program
The Employment and Lifeskills program offers services designed to help the formerly homeless residents of our permanent supportive housing programs build the self-confidence and skills to live independently and become self-sufficient. The program provides life skills training, case management services for women and their children, financial literacy training, support and referrals to necessary community resources including higher education and healthcare, as well as comprehensive employment services including but not limited to personalized employment and work/skill/interest assessments; job development; computer classes, workshops addressing topics such as resume writing and interviewing skills and assistance with certifications, licensing and job requirements. Participants also receive a variety of employment related services including job search assistance, job referral, job development and job placement.